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An empowered people impacting the world by expressing our identity in Christ

Home: Welcome
“Out of the abundance of a man’s heart,

Worship Sundays @10am

   Worship and the Word

Our Sunday morning services are a time of connecting with the King and one another in worship, the word of God and fellowship.


Pastors John & Robyn


Prayer Meeting Wednesdays @ 7pm

Prayer and Ministry

This is a time of focused praise, prayer, and individual ministry with members of our leadership team.


Howard & Anna Vosburgh_edited.jpg

Pastors Howard & Anna

man praying

Intercessory Prayer Saturdays @ 6am

Intercessory Prayer

Join Pastor John Saturday mornings at 6 am as he intercedes for the lost, the Body of Christ, Columbia, the US, and the World.

“The product of faith is obedience_edite

Pastor John 

Home: News


Please join us in praying for Lakay Timoun and Suzelle Pierre-Louis as they prepare to embark on a project to build a new school for this fall.



Pastor John first came to know Suzelle and her passion for the Lord, while working together at The Gideons' International. It was from there that she answered God's call to return to her native Haiti to with a commitment to serve single mothers and their children, as well as orphans. Her team ministers to them about life in Christ through the love and knowledge of the word of God, meeting physical, emotional and spiritual care with the goal of bringing freedom from the physical, emotional and spiritual bondages of child prostitution and begging.

Suzelle Pierre-Louis

Suzelle Pierre-Louis

Founder of Lakay Timoun

Lakay Timoun

Lakay Timoun

Children learning to crochet

Medical care at Lakay Timoun

Medical care at Lakay Timoun

Medical missions providing care

Lakay Timoun: Children shucking corn

Lakay Timoun: Children shucking corn

Children helping with a meal

Lakay Timoun Preschoolers

Lakay Timoun Preschoolers

Preschool is cool with Jerry and Kendi

Lakay Timoun

Lakay Timoun

Everyone loves Legos

Lakay Timoun

Lakay Timoun

Beautiful smiles while displaying beautiful artwork

GET Going-general

GET Going-general

KCM Outreach 2014

KCM Outreach 2014

KCM Outreach

KCM Outreach

KCM Outreach Nashville

KCM Outreach Nashville

KCM Bags of Blessings Outreach

KCM Bags of Blessings Outreach

Last Sunday, one of the coldest days of

Last Sunday, one of the coldest days of

G.E.T. Going with the Gospel Evangelism Team

Saturday, February 29th at 10am

It's time to G.E.T. going with KCM's Gospel Evangelism Team, as we follow the lead of Jesus and share the love of God, the Gospel of the Kingdom, and the ministry of the Holy Spirit with the beautiful people of Columbia. 

In January, the team was able to minister to a gentleman who had many questions about God. The KCM family was blessed to love on him and his family when they visited our church the following Sunday. 

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Every Sunday 3pm

This book study will benefit both church leaders and those in the church community who are wounded. 

KCM Outreach Nashville

Sat. Feb 29th 10am

One Saturday each month, Pastor John leads the Gospel Evangelism Team as they go out and pray and share Christ's love.


Our mission is to gather the broken, facilitate an atmosphere for healing, and propel them into their place of purpose.

Home: About
KCM Service 2


We are a Spirit-filled, non-denominational family of believers from different countries, different backgrounds, different races, and different ages, but all of the same Spirit. We seek to worship the Father in Spirit and in truth, be transformed by the renewing of our minds, experience wholeness through the redemptive work of Christ, and walk in the good works that God has prepared for us.

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Come worship with us!

811 S. MAIN ST., COLUMBIA TN 38401

Sunday: 10 am
Wednesday: 7:00 pm

Saturday: 6 am

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"My Father's house will be called a house of prayer..."

Matthew 21:13

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Columbia, TN 38401


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Columbia, TN 38401

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